Faith Talk - September 22, 2024

Sunday: September 22, 2024
Series: When God Doesn't
Sermon: Waiting on God


Habakkuk 2:20 - But the Lord is in his holy temple; let the whole earth be silent in his presence.


Today, we continued our series When God Doesn’t. We are learning to embrace and wrestle with God when He doesn’t seem involved in our struggle, listening to our prayers, ending our suffering, or bringing justice to evil in our world. As we walk through Habakkuk we are learning to have a deeper trust in God.  
Last week: Don’t walk away from God.  
  1. I know God can, and I believe He will, but He’s not, and I don’t understand. 
  2. Wondering where God is.  
We learned to embrace and wrestle as we trust the sovereignty and goodness of our loving Heavenly Father.
This week: Don’t give up on God.  
  1. God confirms that He can and says that He will, but He hasn't yet.  
  2. Waiting on what God will do. 
Waiting can often be harder than wondering.
Pastor Brian pointed out six actionable ways to wait on God’s promises, which not only sustain you but also bring health, healing, and depth to your walk with God.
  1. Focus on who God is and who you know Him to be. (vs. 1:12-13) 
  2. Listen with expectation for God’s reply. (vs. 2:1) 
  3. Write the truth of who God is and what He promises. (vs. 2:2) 
  4. Wait for God’s vision in God’s timing. (vs. 2:3) 
  5. Live by your faith. (vs. 2:4) 
  6. Be in God’s presence with God’s people (vs. 2:20) 


  1. Pastor Brian talked about “removing the noise” of distractions that keep us from focusing on God. Share your experience with the noise. How does it compare to your focus on God?
    • What is one way you can reduce the noise of distractions this week?  
  2. We learned six ways to effectively wait on God. Which one do you feel you practice regularly? Which one do you struggle with most?  
    • What step can you take toward the application of this in your life?  
  3. We were challenged to literally and physically write down the truth of who God is and what He promises.
    • Take a few minutes right now and write down who you know God to be and a Scripture that states a promise you can hold onto.  
  4. Have each person share their plan to “be silent in his presence” this week. 

Pray Together

God, thank You for Your presence even in our challenges, fears, and concerns. Thank You that Your delays are not Your denials, and Your silence is not because of Your absence. We ask that You walk us through the six ways to effectively wait on You, ways that sustain us and prepare us for what You are doing in our lives. We commit to removing the noise and being silent before You so we can focus, listen, write, wait, live, and be. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen.  
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