Fasting: A Biblical and Beneficial Spiritual Discipline

Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline that has been practiced by believers throughout history. As Christians, we are called to fast not just for physical benefits, but primarily for spiritual growth and breakthrough. In this post, we'll explore the biblical foundations of fasting and how it can benefit both our spiritual and physical well-being.

What is Biblical Fasting? 

In Scripture, fasting is defined as abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. While some may fast from certain foods (like Daniel in Daniel 10:3), Jesus set an example of fasting from all food for 40 days (Luke 4:1-2). The key is that biblical fasting involves giving up food to focus on God. 

Spiritual Benefits of Fasting 

  1. Fasting deepens our dependence on God. When we fast, we learn to rely on God's strength rather than physical nourishment (Matthew 4:4). 
  2. Fasting enhances prayer and spiritual breakthrough. In Scripture, fasting is often coupled with prayer for seeking God's guidance and intervention (Acts 13:2-3). 
  3. Fasting helps overcome temptation. Jesus used fasting to prepare for temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-13). 
  4. Fasting positions us for God's reward. Jesus taught that the Father rewards those who fast with the right motives (Matthew 6:16-18). 

How to Fast Biblically 

  1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Effective fasting requires yielding to God's Spirit (Luke 4:1). 
  2. Feed on God's Word. Use fasting time to meditate on Scripture (Matthew 4:4). 
  3. Fast humbly. Avoid making a show of your fasting (Matthew 6:16-18). 
  4. Fast with intention. Have a specific spiritual purpose for your fast. If you are fasting with us on the first of every month as part of our Forward by Faith focus, you will find a list of specific prayer points here.

Physical Benefits of Fasting 

While not the primary focus, fasting can also improve our physical health:

  • Promotes cellular repair and regeneration 
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Improves heart health 
  • Enhances mental clarity 
  • Boosts growth hormone production

These physical benefits can make us more available for God's purposes, as we are called to glorify God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). 

Practical Tips for Fasting 

  1. Start small. Begin with a partial fast, skipping one meal. 
  2. Work up to a normal fast. Try a 24-hour fast from dinner to dinner. 
  3. Consider longer fasts as God leads. 
  4. Break your fast spiritually. Rejoice in what God has done. 
  5. Break your fast physically. Reintroduce food gradually and intentionally.
Remember to consult a medical professional if you have health concerns before fasting. 

Fasting in Community 

While personal fasting is valuable, there's also power in corporate fasting. The early church fasted together (Acts 13:2-3), and we can experience unity and breakthrough when we fast as a community of believers. We invite you to join our corporate fast on the first of every month. You can learn more about our fast here.


Fasting is both biblical and beneficial. It draws us closer to God, prepares us for spiritual battles, and can even improve our physical health. As we incorporate this discipline into our Christian walk, we position ourselves for spiritual growth and God's blessings. Remember Jesus' words: "When you fast..." (Matthew 6:16). He assumed His followers would practice this discipline. Will you accept the challenge to make fasting a regular part of your spiritual life? 
This blog is based on a message preached by Lead Pastor Dr. Brian Stone on August 25, 2024, as part of the Fasting Biblical and Beneficial series. You can watch the full message here.
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