Faith Talk - March 9, 2025
Sunday: March 9, 2025
Series: Modern-Day Evangelism
Sermon: Barnabas and Paul: Prepare and Proclaim
Series: Modern-Day Evangelism
Sermon: Barnabas and Paul: Prepare and Proclaim
Acts 13:2 – As they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”
God was at work in the church at Antioch and new believers were being added to their numbers. The increase was so significant that Barnabas goes to get Saul to help with teaching the growing congregation. The church is focused on the Word of God, and they are led by the Holy Spirit, which prepares them for the mission of evangelism that God is inviting them into. The church at Antioch obeys the leading of the Spirit to send out Barnabas and Saul, also known as Paul, to evangelize the island of Cyprus. As Paul and Barnabas face spiritual opposition to the gospel, they prevail by the power of the Lord.
Home Discussion Questions
Homes with Adults
Homes with High School Students
Homes with Middle School Students
Homes with Elementary Students
- Share how you seek to make the Word of God a priority in your personal life and in your fellowship with the church.
- Discuss how the Word of God and prayer can prepare the Christian for the spiritual warfare we may encounter when evangelizing. Share about a time when you may have experienced this kind of opposition.
Homes with High School Students
- Discuss why studying God’s Word is important, especially as a young person in today’s culture.
- Share about a time you felt led to share the gospel with someone but felt there would be spiritual opposition.
Homes with Middle School Students
- Discuss why God wants His people to know the Bible and spend time in prayer, like Paul and Barnabas did with the church.
- Discuss how we can depend on God like Paul did if we face someone who opposes us sharing the gospel with others.
Homes with Elementary Students
- Share why it is important to read the Bible and to pray with your family and your church.
- Talk about why Christians can depend on God’s power to help us tell others about Him.
Pray Together
Father, thank You that you invite us into a relationship with You. We also thank you that you call the Christian into Your mission of spreading the gospel. Would You please help us as a church to be prepared for that mission, as we learn of you in Your Word and seek to be led by the Holy Spirit in prayer? Please go before us to lead us and empower us to stand against enemy and prevail by Holy Spirit and with the Word of God. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Posted in Faith Talk
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