Are You Prepared to Proclaim?

Sharing the gospel can feel daunting. Many believers struggle with evangelism, whether due to busyness, fear, or lack of motivation. But what if we considered the depth of Christ’s sacrifice? What if we truly grasped the reality of eternity apart from God? Reflecting on these truths stirs a passion to share the gospel with urgency and love.

The Mission Begins with Preparation

In Acts 13, we see how God called Barnabas and Paul to take the gospel to the nations. This wasn’t a random assignment—it was the result of intentional preparation. The church in Antioch was deeply committed to God’s Word, worship, and prayer. As they fasted and ministered, the Holy Spirit directed them to set apart Barnabas and Paul for His work (Acts 13:2-3).

This teaches us a vital lesson: evangelism isn’t just about going; it’s about being prepared. Paul and Barnabas were devoted to Scripture and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Their readiness came from a foundation of knowing God’s Word and seeking Him in prayer. As believers, we too must immerse ourselves in Scripture, allowing it to transform our hearts and guide our steps.

Are you prepared for the mission God has for you? Preparation begins with a commitment to knowing Christ deeply through His Word and prayer. In our church, we provide opportunities for growth through Life Groups, Bible studies, and corporate worship. These are not just programs—they are training grounds for the mission ahead.

Opposition Will Come

As Paul and Barnabas set out, they encountered spiritual resistance. In Paphos, a sorcerer named Elymas tried to prevent a Roman official from believing the gospel. Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, confronted Elymas, declaring, “You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery, you son of the devil and enemy of all that is right” (Acts 13:10). God’s power overcame the opposition, and the governor believed because he was “astonished at the teaching of the Lord” (Acts 13:12).

Spiritual opposition is real. Satan seeks to distort the truth and hinder the spread of the gospel. But Paul’s response teaches us that victory comes through the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of God’s Word. As we step out in faith to share Christ, we will face challenges—skepticism, rejection, even hostility. Yet, we are not left defenseless. God equips us with His Spirit and His truth to stand firm.

Are you prepared to face opposition? The battle for souls is spiritual, and our greatest weapon is the Word of God. Just as Paul relied on Scripture, we must be grounded in truth so we can confidently proclaim Christ in any circumstance.

The Power of the Gospel

Ultimately, evangelism isn’t about eloquence or persuasion; it’s about the power of God’s Word. Paul and Barnabas didn’t rely on signs and wonders alone—the governor believed because of the truth he heard. Experiences fade, but the Word of God remains. As 1 Peter 1:23-25 reminds us, “You have been born again—not of perishable seed but of imperishable—through the living and enduring word of God… The word of the Lord endures forever. And this word is the gospel that was proclaimed to you.”

Are you sharing the gospel with confidence in its power? The message of Jesus Christ—the One who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again—is what transforms lives. Our role is to proclaim it faithfully, trusting God to do the work of salvation.

Responding to the Call

Evangelism is not reserved for a select few. If you are a believer, you are called to share the gospel. Whether across the world or in your workplace, God has placed you where you are for a reason. The question is: are you ready?

If you have hesitated to share your faith, take time to meditate on Christ’s sacrifice, the reality of eternity, and the worth of every soul. Pray for boldness. Seek to grow in God’s Word. Trust in the power of the gospel, not your own abilities.

If you are unsure of your own salvation, the invitation is open. Jesus Christ died for your sins, offering forgiveness and eternal life. Will you respond to His call today?

Let us be a people prepared, empowered by the Spirit, and bold in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. The harvest is plentiful. The call is clear. Are you ready?
This blog is based on a message preached by Associate Discipleship Pastor Brandon Ferguson as part of the Modern-Day Evangelism series on Sunday, March 9. You can watch the full message here.

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